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Most Haunted: 4x7

Mary Kings Close

Description: – A number of underground closes, with houses that stretch up to seven stories high, on either side of the narrow walkways.

Era: – The Closes were built in early 17th century, but there are records of tenements on the land as early as 1526.

Bloody history: – Plague hit the Close in 1645. – Fire ravaged the area in 1750. – In WWII, the Close buildings were used as air raid shelters.

Ghost ratings:

– The ghost of Mary King reportedly haunts the area. – The apparition of little girl, her face covered in pustules from the plague, has been seen in the Close’s Shrine Room – The vision of a grim, grey-haired old man has also been seen on numerous occasions. – Dismembered body parts have been reported floating above the ground, including a child’s head and a severed arm.

Spooky experiences: – 17 and 18 Market Street have experienced the most alleged paranormal activity. – Strange noises have been reported up and down the Close. – Unexplained cold spots h

Most Haunted: 4×7
May. 04, 2004

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