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Celebrity Masterchef: 2x5
Quarterfinal one
The four winning chefs from the heats battle it out for two semi-final places.
Jun. 01, 2007
2 - 1
Knockout rounds one
May. 28, 2007
2 - 2
Knockout rounds two
May. 29, 2007
2 - 3
Knockout rounds three
May. 30, 2007
2 - 4
Knockout rounds four
May. 31, 2007
2 - 5
Quarterfinal one
Jun. 01, 2007
2 - 6
Knockout rounds five
Jun. 04, 2007
2 - 7
Knockout rounds six
Jun. 05, 2007
2 - 8
Knockout rounds seven
Jun. 06, 2007
2 - 9
Knockout rounds eight
Jun. 07, 2007
2 - 10
Quarterfinal two
Jun. 08, 2007
2 - 11
Semifinal day one
Jun. 11, 2007
2 - 12
Semifinal day two
Jun. 12, 2007
2 - 13
Final day one
Jun. 13, 2007
2 - 14
Final day two
Jun. 14, 2007
2 - 15
Series 2, Episode 15
Jun. 15, 2007
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